Studying in China is beginning to become a global trend for students from all continents, including Europe.

More than 300,000 students from around the world are already studying or graduating in China. China is already the largest economy in the world and will affect the international relations of all countries, including ours. Foreign investment continues to increase in the country – in 2013 it was $ 117.6 billion. Chinese corporate investment is also growing globally. Currently, three of the Top 10 companies in the world Forbes 500 ranking are Chinese – for comparison – two are from the United States. These international trends determine the demand for competent professionals who have completed their education in China and are familiar with the dynamics in the region, local culture and business environment. Alumni of Chinese universities are beginning to rank among the most sought after, as they have a lot of competitive skills currently needed in the labor market .; Students from Bulgaria are now also given the opportunity to pursue higher education in China and develop their international career potential.