На 27.03.2015г. ЧСУ „Евлоги и Христо Георгиеви“ подписа договор за представителство и съвместна дейност с Университета Lanzhou Jiaotong.
По силата на този договор училището е ексклузивен представител на университета за България, Македония, Румъния и Гърция.
Университетът Lanzhou Jiaotong дава изключителна възможност за всички желаещи да учат в Китай при преференциални условия.
Чрез ЧСУ „Евлоги и Христо Георгиеви“ имате възможност за пълна стипендия за:
• езикова програма по китайски език;
• първокурсници;
• бакалаври;
• магистратури;
• докторантури.
Кандидатът заплаща само самолетния билет!
Възползвайте се сега от стипендиите на китайското правителство за 2015г. на Университета Lanzhou Jiaotong за международни студенти.
Университетът Lanzhou Jiaotong University ( LZJTU ) се намира в град Ланджоу. Става известен преди петдесет години с инженерните си специалности, а сега прилага мултидисциплинарен подход и предлага програми по китайски език и култура, изкуство, природни науки, икономика и мениджмънт. Университетът разполага с 3 студентски кампуса на площ от 258 акра, постоянните преподаватели са 1,371. Студентите надминават 30,000, а международните студенти са около 200.

Предметни области за магистратури и докторантури за международни студенти:

I. Master’s Degree: (3 years)
1. Fundamental Mathematics
2. Computational Mathematics
3. Probability & Mathematical Statistics
4. Applied Mathematics
5. Operational Research and Cybernetics
6. Physical Geography
7. Human Geography
8. Cartology and Geographical Information Systems
9. Geographical Condition Monitoring
10. Solid Mechanics
11. Fluid Mechanics
12. Engineering Mechanics
13. General Mechanics and Mechanics
14. Mechanical Manufacturing & Automation
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Machine Design & Theory
17. Green Coating Technology and Equipment
18. Transportation Equipments and Internet of Things Technology
19. Industrial Design
20. Rail Transit Equipment Materials and Application Engineering
21. Traffic Equipment Detection and controlling Engineering
22. Vehicle Engineering
23. Precision Instrument and Mechanism
24. Measuring and testing Technologies and Instruments
25. Material Physics and Chemistry
26. Material Science
27. Materials Processing Technology
28. Engineering Thermal Physics
29. Thermal Energy Engineering
30. Power Machinery and Engineering
31. Fluid Machinery and Engineering
32. Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering
33. Chemical Process Machinery
34. Electric Machines and Appliances
35. Electric Power System and Automation
36. High Voltage and Insulation Technology
37. Power Electronics & Transmission
38. Electrician Theory and New Technology
39. Physical Electronics
40. Circuits and System
41. Microelectronic and Solid Electronics
42. Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
43. Communication and Information System
44. Signal and Information Processing
45. Control Theory & Control Engineering
46. Measurement Technology & Automatic Equipment
47. System Engineering
48. Pattern Recognition & Intelligent System
49. Navigation, Guidance and Control
50. Computer System Organization
51. Computer Software and Theory
52. Computer Applied Technology
53. Internet of Things Technology and Application
54. Geotechnical Engineering
55. Structural Engineering
56. Municipal Engineering
57. Heating & Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering
58. Disaster-proof and Protective Engineering
59. Bridge and Tunnel Engineering
60. Civil Engineering Material and Structure
61. Civil Engineering Construction and Management
62. Water Conveyance Structure Engineering
63. Hydrology and Water Resources
64. Hydraulics and River Dynamics
65. Hydraulic Structure Engineering
66. Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering
67. Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
68. Chemical Engineering
69. Chemical Technology
70. Biochemical Engineering
71. Applied Chemistry
72. Industrial Catalysis
73. Highway and Railway Engineering
74. Traffic Information Engineering & Control
75. Traffic & Transportation Planning and Management
76. Vehicle Operation Engineering
77. Intelligent Transportation and Information System Engineering
78. Logistics
79. Traffic Information on Surveying and Mapping
80. Transportation Internet of Things Engineering
81. Rail Transit Communication Engineering
82. Rail Transit Electric Automation
83. Environmental Science
84. Environmental Engineering
85. Resource and Environmental Remote Sensing
86. Environmental Chemical Engineering
87. Management Science and Engineering
88. Urban and Rural Planning
89. Traffic Landscape Design
90. Ecology
91. Statistics
92. Software Engineering
93. Safety Science and Engineering
94. Industrial Economics
95. Research on Marxism in China
96. Ideological and Political Education
97. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
98. Acoustics
99. Inorganic Chemistry
100. System Analysis and Integration
101. Erosion and Desertification Controlling
102. Information Management and Information System
103. Enterprise Management (including: Financial Management, Marketing and Human
Resources Management)
104. Traffic Environmental Art Design
105. Microbiology
106. Master of Professional Accounting
107. Master of Fine Arts
108. Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

II. Doctoral Degree: (3 years)
1. Geotechnical Engineering
2. Structural Engineering
3. Municipal Engineering
4. Heating & Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering
5. Disaster-proof and Protective Engineering
6. Bridge and Tunnel Engineering
7. Civil Engineering Material and Structure
8. Civil Engineering Construction and Management
9. Highway and Railway Engineering
10. Traffic Information Engineering & Control
11. Traffic & Transportation Planning and Management
12. Vehicle Operation Engineering
13. Intelligent Transportation and Information System Engineering
14. Logistics
15. Mechanical Manufacturing & Automation
16. Mechanical Engineering
17. Machine Design & Theory
18. Vehicle Engineering
19. Environmental Science
20. Environmental Engineering
21. Management Science and Engineering
22. Information Management and Information System
23. Water Transport Structures Engineering
24. Industrial Design
25. Rail Transit Equipment Materials and Application Engineering
26. Rail Transit Electric Automation
27. Traffic Equipment Detection and controlling Engineering
28. Environmental and Chemical Engineering
29. Transportation Internet of Things Engineering
30. Rail Transit Communication Engineering
31. Green Coating Technology and Equipment
32. Transportation Equipments and Internet of Things Technology