Where is the school located?
PSS “Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi” provides training in the building of Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski” on Blvd. “Tsar Boris III” No: 224.
How do children eat at school?
Parents who will not use the “Food” service are required to provide their child with daily independent meals at a school that meets the requirements for healthy nutrition.
Is there transportation for students?
Yes. The school has three own buses. The transport is paid extra, at the request of the parents. The transport is to an address and can be in one (morning only or evening only) or in two directions (morning and evening), as well as from and to different addresses. Priority is given to children who request transport in two directions.
Is there a compulsory uniform for students?
Yes. Students must wear school uniform. A formal suit is worn at formal school events, and for every day a uniform blouse with the school logo is a must. The uniform is purchased by the parents.
Are cell phones allowed at school?
No. Phones are left in the morning against a signature at the school’s security by classes.
Do the children go outside daily?
Yes. Pupils are taken out to the school yard every day during the lunch break and after school hours, except in cases where weather conditions do not allow.